27 july 2008
I need money. I need a job. I have one month to make it until my classes start again.
I decided do work all August in Paris, as a gardiénnè. I will be responsible for cleaning the building, take care of the mail of the people that lives there everyday, put in and out the garbage at specified hours and days and be responsible for any problems that might apear.
I will have my own place to live, in the first floor of the building and make sure that between 08:00 and 12:00 and 16:oo and 19:00 I´m home ready to fix things. Don´t forget also that my main door got a quite transparent tissue, for when its dark turn on the light to people see that I´m home.
I´ve got to be kind and smile, specially to the building owner. I´ve got also to speack in French.
Bonjour mademoiselle, bonjour monsieur, bonsoir madame, merci, au revoir, de rien, j´arrive!!
Nice chance to improve my french.
I hope that i will also have time to visit the country, and maybe fall in love. They say that Paris is the city of Love.
Indeed im getting inspired. I´ve seen the film Paris Je t`aime ( thougt that i didnt liked it so much) and I´m begining to enter in the mood of Paris. Yellow and red lights all over, glamour, affaires, beautiful people drinking and smoking long cigarretes, someone drawing a portrait and others just enjoying a walk in the streets of Monmatre at night.
I think it will be good. I`m curious to return there.
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