Men and Macarrons

Tasty, creamy, smooth...
Crunchy and chewy.
Can have differents colours and tastes.
Rose, chocolate, mocha, lemon, raspberry.
Pistachio, and frutos silvestres.
"Picasso of Pastries"
Say it, about the man who made them.

Mission Failed

Today is the 18th of August.
I think that my mission is failed .

I thought about many things for these times.
I wanted to be a diferent person, I wanted to change my reality for some days.
Escape from my daily routine of Lisbon, from my habits, from my paranoias, from my fears, my hopes, my fantasys, my desires...and experience news things, putting myself in another way, embodying myself as something else.
For that I would use my work, the work of a Gardiénnè, at Paris.
But that was not possible.
It didn´t came to me or maybe I just should push it more.

The conditions that I came for were very different that I was expecting or that was supposed.
I cannot present myself as a gardiénnè to the people that lives here, because the sandique ( kind of enterprise responsible for the builings and for the people that works there) didn´t gave me the order or possibility to replace the other worker...
So every time that somebody asks me something I have to say that my supposed aunt is not here ( but I can help instead) and if they see me working I have to say that I´m helping my aunt, because she´s not here, or because she´s hill....
Well I am working as an Uncovered Gardiénnè! Actually when i think about it Its quite funny. I have to be uncovered, like FBI or CIA, always hiding my identity or my duties, but im not working for the governement or a secret instituition. I´m just taking care of a flat, by cleaning, receving the mail or solving some problems that can just come out.
And because I´m in this situation the person that I came for replace has to be here with me. That´s way I´m not living alone but with somebody else.
I´m in a very unconfortable place.
Dealing with things that I don´t know how to resolve them or help. I´m in midlle of confusion, and somehow I cannot escape or live with that without giving a shit. It´s disturbing myself and my pretendings but most of all it´s making me sad.
But, on the other hand, its making me think about a lot of subjects. I think that in all my life I have lucky and a lot of support.
I cannot understand or accept this not healthy way of living, if I can call it living. People that complains about all and waits in front of a television for the changes to happen. Obcessed by body, or better, by a body when was younger. And making problems where they dont exist.
Problems also with alcool and pills. Mix them and there´s a bomb.
Now, im feeling that I just cannot stay here and see the show.

Or Maybe I just wanted to be selfish.

On the other hand, in this builing nothing happens. I don´t see anyone coming in or living the house. In 19 days I only saw 4 persons that live here.
I just know them by the names cause I have to deliver the mail.
People don´t talk to much. Always trying to not be found.
So, that´s how it is.

Tão Guardiã, em bom Português!

My Team in Paris

There are Dora and Mariana.
Dora a great friend of mine for a long time and Mariana, one of my Revelations of 2008!:)
They seem very suspicious ah?

Pretending we didn't know we were being photographed, or assuming that we are making a pose for the photo.

Tourists Posing to be Real Tourits.

The depressed/sad Tourist : Being sad in famous places

The over-excited tourist and the blinded by light tourist : Being extremely happy in famous places

Parallels Lives

Sunday, 10th of August 2008
10:oo am

Yesterday was a nice day.
Today the weather is sad and my body is all broken.
I went to see the theater piece Rotozaza, Etiquette at Point Ephémère.
I didn´t like it so much as I wanted. Too may expectations. It was very very closed and setted up. There I was really a puppet of a very fake game or history. They even gave us the clues how to put my left arm or how to close my right eye while I was speacking something that they were ordering. The objects of the scene were nice. I´ve to draw on the table an manipulate some objects to make the scenery, too materialize somehow the piece that was being directed by voice througt headphones
I was a wore on the piece and Dora a man 60 years old. Unexpected ah?

At night I went to Trocadero. There were a group of guys doing showbiz.
A lot of people taking photos. So much flashes.
Look the Eiffel Tower! So huge! She´s blue this month.
Oh others Eiffle Tower`s! 1euro and take her in a pocket.

Me and myself trying to speak in french, at Trocadero. Nice night in the gardens.

It´s strange but i cannot be myself when i speak another language. Well, I know that a lot is because i cannot speak french or english so well as portuguese, but somehow it changes. Its interesting. We are so used to communicate by speaking that when we cannot be so well understood a lot of things that we meant to say we don´t say them or we are miss understood. We just can´t be really us or we can? Its come of course the questions who we are. Fake or real? Does our memories are real or just a fake construction of our mind to not get lost?

Sunday, 10th of August 2008

Today was a very weird day.
I was not working. Saturday after giving the mail and Sunday are my days off. I´m for my own.
I walked throught the Champs- Elysées.
It was so strange for me. I saw money and money everywhere, and a lot! Everything is so huge and expensive that I cannot believe it.
So many different people crossing by, crossing their sofisticated bodies, hidden bodies, black bodies, fat bodies, skiny bodies, very expensive bodies...and sometimes apears those others bodies, that seems that came from another planet. Clochards, as they call them here. I was standing, waiting for the bus. I was smoking a cigarrete Marlboro when a man croosed in front of us, without even shoes. His nails were so big and dirty and his clothe all broken.The hair seemed that hasnt been washed for months. I stayed like a stupid watching. A few moments before I was looking for those luxuries cars at Toyota, an amazing technological space where I don´t Know what to feel yet. Those ultra super milionaire places, and then, in the same street you can see that people.
DORA ASKED ME. What do you think that he thinks?
I didn´t knew what to answer, and I don´t know yet. I don´t make any idea of what they think about this world that doesnt seem belonging to them.
So far and so close at the same time.
I´m taking a lot of pictures of people in the streets. I saw a lot of poor people.
I´m remembering a woman that I saw today. She was on a wilchair trying to pick up her jacket from the floor with a bengala. Around her was a lot of food boxes, for animals. There was a lot of pombos near the woman, and that scene remembered me a film, because there was a character very similar to that woman. An old lady, with long dark dress and long white hair taking care of the pigeons of the park. At that time, I never thought that Kind of scenery could be real or possible.
I´m learning that a lot of fantasys of my childness are not fantasys at all.
At more or less 5 o clock I came home.

Paris oh Paris!

20 th of August 2008

Mariana Posing

In the land of Love there is always a place to be.
No better place for featuring the piece Peça do Coração.
There´s Mariana posing the begining position!

Who am I?

Things I do when I don´t have nothing special do to.
18 th of August 08
(But) maybe I belong to nowhere

Prémière jour pour la Gradiénnè

À 9 heures je me accordu, dans une maison prés de la Torre Eiffel. Je suis avec Dora, une amie de i`nfance, qui est aussi comme gardiénnè sur cette immuele. Aprés une trés amusant petit déjeuner, jái pris le bus nº42 à Montessuy pour Convention Hôpital Boucicaut, pour commencer mon prémière jour de travail. Avec une plant dans la main j`ai trové la maison...Mais un petit problème. J´ai oblié les clée avec Dora. En ce moment je suis une gardiénne dans la rue de son immueble. Do lado de fora, portanto. Je ne sais pas qu´est que c´est que je vais faire. La porte n´a pas de sonrie, ce pour ça que je ne sais pas ce est quelqu´un à la maison.
Né a ouvert la porte, par sorte. Elle a veux quelque un à la porte. À pensé que j´était un clochard !!( I´ve learned a new word now!)


27 july 2008
I need money. I need a job. I have one month to make it until my classes start again.
I decided do work all August in Paris, as a gardiénnè. I will be responsible for cleaning the building, take care of the mail of the people that lives there everyday, put in and out the garbage at specified hours and days and be responsible for any problems that might apear.
I will have my own place to live, in the first floor of the building and make sure that between 08:00 and 12:00 and 16:oo and 19:00 I´m home ready to fix things. Don´t forget also that my main door got a quite transparent tissue, for when its dark turn on the light to people see that I´m home.
I´ve got to be kind and smile, specially to the building owner. I´ve got also to speack in French.
Bonjour mademoiselle, bonjour monsieur, bonsoir madame, merci, au revoir, de rien, j´arrive!!
Nice chance to improve my french.
I hope that i will also have time to visit the country, and maybe fall in love. They say that Paris is the city of Love.
Indeed im getting inspired. I´ve seen the film Paris Je t`aime ( thougt that i didnt liked it so much) and I´m begining to enter in the mood of Paris. Yellow and red lights all over, glamour, affaires, beautiful people drinking and smoking long cigarretes, someone drawing a portrait and others just enjoying a walk in the streets of Monmatre at night.
I think it will be good. I`m curious to return there.